Blame it on the Cam Cam Cam Cam Cam Cam Cameo's
Blame it on the Ca a a am am meoss
Wow Jamie. Seriously. Dude has successfully collected both Tatyana Ali (from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air) and Forest Whitaker in the same video, with others not mentioned here.
Blame it on the Ca a a am am meoss
Wow Jamie. Seriously. Dude has successfully collected both Tatyana Ali (from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air) and Forest Whitaker in the same video, with others not mentioned here.
What is even more of a shocker is that the video is about making excuses for substance induced liberation of behavioral restrictions. Translation: BLAME IT ON THE ALCOHOL.
I don't know whether to shake his hand to commend him for achieving such a great feat, or smack him upside the head for not making a video with all these cameos a little more than a bunch of 30-somethings pseudo-dancing. Either way I am sure he would have just said,
"Blame it on the Goose, Got me feeling Loose"
"Blame it on the Goose, Got me feeling Loose"