Friday, January 23, 2009

Post Racial America!

In light of the arousing and enlightening conversation that took place at Spit That last night (which was amazing I must say!!) this video from the Devil himself, Fox News, I think quantifies for us and makes tangible the actual America that we are living in.

I think that what an artist believes or portays within their sphere of influence is up to that artist. Regardless of who we are, we are all individuals and entitled to our opinions, and sadly in this society some opinions get more attention than others. I will just quote from Jay-Z's x Coldplay "Lost" remix on this one....

With the same sword they knight you, they gon' good night you with
Sh-t, that's only half if they like you
That ain't even the half what they might do
Don't believe me, ask Michael
See Martin, see Malcolm
See Biggie, see Pac, see success and its outcome
See Jesus, see Judas
See Caesar, see Brutus, see success is like suicide
Suicide, it's a suicide
If you succeed, prepare to be crucified
Media meddles, niggaz sue you, you settle
Every step you take, they remind you you're ghetto
So it's tough being Bobby Brown
To be Bobby then, you have to be Bobby now
And the question is, "Is to have had and lost
Better than not having at all?"
Because I'm...

Should Jay-Z and Young Jeezy have used their words more wisely knowing that every word they say is subject to scrutiny, or should they be allowed to voice their opinion, as they are citizens too??

Here is a link to Bill O' Reilly's take on this situation, thanks to my homegirl over at FacetGirl Blog. Let the discussion begin.

Oh! and do check FacetGirl Blog, wondrous wonders are there for you to discover, especially my feature in the Nail Craze-Second Phase post. Yeahhsss!

Also tonight RIPMC will be performing LIVE with Ainsley Burrows, TONIGHT! Come Thru.


NA said...

Jay Z absolutely disgust me....I've been over that man since the 90's. He among others are ONE of the reasons for the ignorance in the youth/young adult communities - followers who are fools. It's not uncommon to be a major figure that has a flock...unfortunately this particular figure-head has a flock of fools just like him, though we're all 'individuals'. Supposedly. So the post racial influence will continue.

What happens when his actions are countered by other racist? Than what? We'll cry from the injustices?


Damn shame and embarrassing.

RIPMC said...

...They made no racist statements. They expressed their political views, and I think the rest of America agrees with their views regarding Bush. In fact everything they said on that stage has been said to me in conversation since the inauguration.

Don't feed into Fox "News'" instigation and propaganda. These artist are not obligated to share their views in a politically correct manner. Since when were Jeezy and JayZ known for being politically correct in there views much less actions. Give me a break. Now Fox wants to make it a racial issue? Please. You can file this one away next to "terrorist fist jab". JayZ and Jeezy's statements do not disgust me. Fox "News" does. There are still Klan members in America and Cops are 'still' Killing unarmed black men, meanwhile Women and Children are being massacred in Gaza. Dont tell me about no JayZ and Jeezy making "racist" statements (which they did not). You listen to how Fox "News" embraces our New President, with vague and indirect jabs and insults. Watch carefully as they try take shots Obama alongside the community he symbolizes. Ask yourself why Fox covered this story. This aint News.

Do me a favor. Keep your cheap gossip. Just report my Gotdamn News and cut the bullshit.

NA said...

I respect your "opinion" and mine still stands. Jay Z behaved inappropriately.

Of course he's entitled to his "own" opinion as we all are. And yes, most of America share his what? That means what? Bush is out, so let's move on....It's not merely 'what' Jay-Z or Jeezy said that was offensive, it was 'how' it was said/expressed. It was unecessary.

This is America, which is why we have freedom of expression and now a black President; but as a leader you should be mindful of your actions especially if your main audience is the youth. In light of President Obama, the black community are expected to 'step up' in all areas.....

Kanye West, Bill Maher, Ben Afflick, Will I Am, Chris Rock among other celebrities dislike Bush and hoped for Obama....and these people spoken worse things than Jay-Z, but their 'actions' were professional and not derogatory.

.....And trust, I'm not feeding into Fox feelings were based from the video footage solely. Believe that....

RIPMC said...

Indeed. My post was in response to the video, not to you btw. I was writing in reaction to what the women of Fox "News" were saying. I do agree with you in many ways.