Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Uncle Majic

I know some of you have been up past the hours of 1 AM in the morning, you have fallen pray to witnessing the Hip Hip Magician commercial. If you haven't click here to succumb to his magicalness. I too have been tempted to hire him for my next birthday festivities, but when you start pimping your children, I mean that is when you have taken it a half-step to far. Peep this commercial from Uncle Majic's daughter on Kyte.tv

I mean one minute he with the Simmons' kiddies at Baby Phat Farms R' Us, then next thing you know he posted up next to Wendy Williams on Datzwhatzup.net and the honey dips. In the same photo album though???
Hehe.. He sure is magic, I guess, but please sir don't tie your child to the same fate. And to further add YOU are NOT my favorite Uncle, my Uncle Albert gives me $$ on my birthday not magic tricks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After reading this post, you're really an idiot.